Monthly Archives: February 2017

Regional Workshop 1 “How energy data can influence a number of factors from local economic plans, Sustainable Energy Action Plans and Usage of Consumption”

  • Workshop objective: Highlight the importance and need for the Local Authority to obtain accurate energy data in order to develop, monitor and report for SEAPs
  • Target group: Local Authority, Utility providers and wider community
  • Method: Presentations by Industry experts followed by Q&A and discussion

On the 3rd of June 2015, Carlow Kilkenny Energy Agency hosted our first Regional Workshop for the Data4Action project. The event was attended by many stakeholders interested in energy planning, energy management and using data to more accurately help them in their decision making process.

A number of organisations including CKEA gave presentations regarding energy data and how energy data can influence a number of factors from local economic plans, Sustainable Energy Action Plans, Usage of Consumption.






Regional Workshop 2 “How energy data can influence Sustainable Energy Action Plans and partner collaboration for observatories”

  • Workshop objective: Highlight the regional energy observatory and its use in monitoring SEAPs for Local Authority, also, looking to create a collaboration agreements
  • Target group: Association of Irish Energy Agencies
  • Method: Presentation, followed by Q&A and discussion

On Thursday 02/07/2015 Jonathan Griffin (CKEA) presented a workshop to The Association of Irish Energy Agencies (AIEA) on the Data4ction project.

Partner Collaboration

Partner collaboration is crucial to the success of the Observatory, it is key for the project to build an effective partnership with stakeholders to gather energy data for the Observatory.

The data4action project will aim to:

Provide a platform to enable stakeholders to SHARE Energy Data to improve sustainability!

  • Support knowledge transfer and replication in other European regions;
  • Holistic approach to sharing energy data between utilities and industry to improve public authorities’ access to energy data for a better design and monitoring of SEAPs;
  • Actively demonstrate energy data exchange collaboration models that are currently ‘in action’ in the twelve European partner regions;
  • Real time data available on the Regional Energy Observatory, which through the partners’ collaboration will be constantly evolving and improving the Observatory dashboard information for all;
  • Effectively mobilise public authorities and energy data providers in a win-win partnership.


Data4Action Presentation_AIEA

Data4Action Newsletter 1 – News from Ireland

Data4Action, which aims to foster win-win energy data exchange collaboration models between public authorities and energy data providers, keeps you informed on the latest development of the Intelligent Energy Europe project.

This issue amongst others includes:

  • INTERVIEW Thomas Brose, Climate Alliance
  • DATA4ACTION Regional Roundtable, Ireland
  • First Steps to Development of Regional Data, Ireland
  • What’s New – Listen to your colleagues from other Public Regional Council
  • Information systems for sustainable energy and mobility planning
  • Oreges, the observatory of the
  • Rhône-Alpes Region

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Data4Action Newsletter 2 – News from Ireland

Data4Action, which aims to foster win-win energy data exchange collaboration models between public authorities and energy data providers, keeps you informed on the latest development of the Intelligent Energy Europe project.

This issue amongst others includes:

  • Partnerships with Data Providers
  • The Covenant of Mayors: Local Energy Data for SEAPs
  • Exchanging local energy data:  Interview of ERDF
  • Second EU Meshartility Roundtable: Energy Data Exchange
  • First Steps to Step Up an Energy Observatory
  • A Partner’s Perspective
  • Local News

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Data4Action Newsletter 3 – News from Ireland

The third edition of the Data4Action Newsletter covers the following topics:

  • EU roundtable on Energy data sharing. Promoting sustainable energy. Data quality to support local action
  • Data Management Models— Peer learning workshop. DATA4ACTION partners share their views on energy data access
  • Regional Data Management Models— Peer learning workshop. Plovdiv Peer Learning Experience Data4ction Project Partners
  • Case Study in Setting Up an Energy Observatory— ANERGO — Alba Local Energy Agency Energy Observatory
  • Local News – from Carlow Kilkenny

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