Monitoring SEAP

The main objective of the Data4Action project was to improve the access for local authorities to sustainable energy data. This energy data will be used to assist the local authority in Sustainable Energy Action Planning (SEAP) and monitoring. Local authorities are responsible for designing, implementing and monitoring Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and they need to have effective monitoring for these plans which requires the availability of data for analysing trends as well as implementing a continuous improvement process of the SEAP actions. The challenge is to initiate a process to regularly exchange data between the different stakeholders involved (utilities, energy data providers, public authorities, etc.). Request a free copy of the SEAP Data Access Guide from today. Read Carlow, Kilkenny, and Waterford’s SEAP below.

The European Initiative the Covenant of Mayors therefore plays a key role in the achievement of EU’s energy and climate objectives and the local authorities within the Initiative committed to reduce their CO2 emissions beyond the 20% targets by implementing sustainable energy action plans. Crucial for these plans is the information about energy consumption as well as production like electricity, heat, gas and also transport to improve the implementation and monitoring of SEAPs. Local energy data is then used for the calculation of the Baseline Emission Inventory. Data4Action therefore facilitates public authority access to energy data through effective and structured collaboration agreements with energy providers.

The project Data4Action provided a valuable platform for local authorities to access local energy and heating data from Energy utilities, energy retailers, transport systems operators, and statistical offices. International and national legal frameworks already exist to regulate energy data measurement, publication, sharing and protection. The objectives of the Data4Action project was to ensure that the collected energy data was not only evaluated at the national level but that there should be a further territorial break down of data for a more detailed local analysis and for the monitoring of local actions. Energyhub, through the continuing work of CKEA, draws on data from both national and local sources.

Energy data sharing also has advantages for companies such as energy suppliers or network operators. By sharing their data they can actively participate and contribute to climate action plans that are also useful for their public reputation. Through data sharing energy suppliers and network operators also get a better overview of the whole market at the local level and hence, they can better anticipate the future needs of communities, territories and especially consumers. Another advantage of a centralised data collection and analysis system is the decrease of uncertainties to measure future trends and to draw lessons for the adaption of electrical networks and power generation facilities to have the highest efficiency of investments.

Carlow SEAP

Kilkenny SEAP

Waterford SEAP