Renewable Energy Investment Webinar

For those that missed it or wish to view it again, click here for the Renewable Energy Investment Webinar from the 4th of February 2021 hosted by Southern Region Assembly. Links to the individual speakers can be found below.

With ambitious targets being set by The Southern Region Assembly for renewable energy, a multi-faceted approach is necessary. To achieve this, buy in will be required from a number of stakeholders from the public sector, private sector and community groups.

This webinar highlights the renewable energy targets set for the country, and the region while also discussing how we plan to achieve these targets and the challenges that need to be overcome. In this webinar, we look at the steps being taken to develop a renewable energy strategy so the region can move towards a low-carbon, sustainable economy and eventually, net zero emissions.

Speakers include key policy setters like Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications Eamon Ryan, and Chief Executive of Tipperary County Council Joe MacGrath. As well as industry experts such as Chairperson of Renewable Energy Ireland Marie Donnelly and the Assistant Director for Southern Regional Assembly Kevin Lynch.

To learn more about the European Initiative to encourage renewable energies in the North-West European region see our piece on The EU Project.

Also, click on each County’s link to check out the most recent breakdown of energy use in Carlow, Kilkenny, and Wexford.


  1. Kevin Lynch – Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy… 7:48/2:45:06
  1. Eamon Ryan TD – National Renewable Energy Policy and Ambition… 26:00/2:45:06
  1. Marie Donnelly – Renewable Energy in the Southern Region… 53:36/2:45:06
  1. Joe MacGrath – Local Authorities: Tipperary County Council Investment and Approach to Renewable Energy Projects… 1:22:41/2:45:06
  1. Laura Heuston – Innovative Finance for Renewable Energy Projects (Case Study) … 1:44:11/2:45:06
  1. Elias J. Spreiter – Municipal Authority and Citizen Investment in renewable energy projects in Hessen, Germany (Case Study) … 2:02:39/2:45:06
  1. Gregg Allen – Community Investment in renewable energy projects in the Southern Region… 2:22:53/2:45:06

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