Baseline Emissions Inventory (BEI)

The Baseline Emmissons Inventories that have been developed for the Carlow and Kilkenny County Councils use the year 2006. This was chosen over other options of 1990 and 2009 due to the availability of reliable CSO Census of Population data. 

The BEIs are developed using data from the Local Authorities  and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, statistical data from the Central Statistics Office (Irelands National Statistics Office) together with the domestic Building Energy Ratings (BER) data to provide as accurate local data as possible.

All Local Authority energy data is collected and reported on through the Monitoring and Reporting (M&R ) programme for all Public Service Organisations and bodies. Since 1st January 2011 public sector bodies are required to report annually on their energy usage and actions taken to reduce consumption – in accordance with S.I. 426 of 2014 (and previously with S.I. 542 of 2009). The 2014 regulations transpose the Energy Efficiency Directive (Directive 2012/27/EU) into Irish Law. All monitoring & reporting on the Public Sector’s energy consumption and CO2 emissions will now be reported through the SEAI’s online monitoring and reporting tool (M&R). The methodology used for the calculation of Local Authority – Total Primary Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions, was measured from 2009-2015 SEAI Energy MAP reporting for Carlow County Council and Kilkenny County Council, and was compared to the national data set for Local Authorities, obtained from SEAI.

Since 2014, with the removal of water services from the Local Authorities remit, the public sector energy’s consumption is primarily made up of Public Lighting, Public Buildings and Transport. Public Lighting is the largest significant energy user (SEU), consuming 52% of the Total Primary Energy. The other SEU’s are public buildings with a consumption of 32% of the Total Primary Energy, and finally Transport accounting for 16% of Total Primary Energy.

BEI data on Carlow here and Kilkenny here