Guidebook ‘How to develop a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP)’

Local Authorities play a key role in reducing CO2 emissions across Europe and in tackling Climate Change. This is because over half of greenhouse gas emissions are created in and by cities. 80% of the population lives and works in cities, where up to 80% of energy is consumed. Therefore, the need for Local Authorities to develop a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) is clear.

Sustainable Energy & Climate Action Plan Guidebook

This Guidebook aims at supporting local authorities in the European Union (EU) Member
States, joining the Covenant of Mayors for Energy and Climate (2030 target). The present
guidebook provides detailed, step-by-step guidance to local authorities to develop an
effective SECAP. Particular focus is put on:

• Defining the key elements of the initiative
• Elaborating a Baseline Emission inventory (BEI)
• Performing a Risk and Vulnerabilities Assessment (RVA)
• Developing a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP)
• Supporting the implementation and monitoring of the SECAP.

The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (CoM) is the mainstream European
voluntary movement involving local authorities in the development and implementation
of sustainable energy and climate policies. The CoM is intended to complement the national Climate Change strategies and plans with a specific initiative to support cities. The
initiative aims to convene local authorities voluntarily committing to implement
sustainability policies on their territories. Harmonised data compilation, and methodological and reporting frameworks to translate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction
ambitions into reality, are provided to local authorities. CoM includes both climate
mitigation and adaptation aspects and is built around three pillars:

— Mitigation (at least 40% emission reduction target by 2030 compared to the baseline)
— Adaptation to Climate Change
— Access to secure, sustainable, and affordable energy

The commitment of signatories is then translated to concrete actionable plans and measures in the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan. Signatory cities accept to report and monitor their implementation of the SECAPs. Cities also commit to allocating sufficient human resources to the tasks, mobilising society in their geographical areas to take part in implementation of the action plan, including networking with other cities.

The above text is paraphrased from the Executive Summary of the Guidebook. The entire book can be downloaded as a pdf below. To learn about how energy data from the Data4Action project, can help with a Local Authority’s Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) click here.

Also, see the energy data for Carlow, Kilkenny, and Wexford by clicking on the corresponding county.